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Ponton pe lac - mobilier de gradina
Trepte Gradina - flori perene
Aquillegia si Spirea
Contrast cromatic si texturi fine
Detaliu gradina naturalista
Detaliu design plantari gradina
Peluza catre piscina infinity
Piscina infinity - gradina moderna
Detaliu design floral
Flori perene cu accent cromatic
Alee catre piscina
Trepte catre lac si plante orn
Flori perene si bulboase + ierburi d
Gradina teren in panta lac
Gradina moderna simpla peisagist
Mobilier gradina modern peisagistica

 Modern Lake Garden

Project: 2015
Building status : 2017- ongoing 
Area : 1500sq meters 
Design theme & concept : 

 I was part of this project from the first decisions, before the house was built which allowed me to create a good relation between the house, the garden and the lake.,Simplicity, diversity and extrovert approach for the garden design. The young garden is ready to impress through it's 75 species and varieties of perennials, over 50 species of shrubs and large trees selected to work well with the natural landscape and soil-climate conditions. With attention to the wildlife, I created dense areas of perennials where amphibians can thrive, birds can nest and several areas for squirrels. 

Ornamental grasses play an important role in the design, I used them as back ground and sometime they pop in front to tell theyr story.

Land stabilisation was another important aspect of the project and with good techinal solutions we managed to build a smooth slope to the lake only interrupted by the pathway that connects the lounge to the infinity pool. The path way is discovered from certain points of view in order to have a continous lawn that stars from the house and "flows" to the lake in that welcoming green slope.

Lighting and outdoor furniture were a matter of representing the view of the client and creating a connections with the whole garden concept. Karim Rashid's Lava Bench with it's white curvy shape is one of the realtions between furniture and lands sculpting in this design.

The garden right now is a ever changing painting of colours, textures and nature's magic of making a garden more beatifull season after season.

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